Poland invests in security: The US State Department has approved the sale of balloons with radars for $ 1.2 billion

On Wednesday, the U.S. State Department agreed to sell Poland balloons with early warning and reconnaissance radars. The maximum value of the deal is estimated at USD 1.2 billion.

According to the US procedure for selling arms and military equipment abroad, the State Department’s recommendation will now go to Congress. If the congressmen do not object, the parties will begin final negotiations on the price.

Deputy Defense Minister Pawel Bejda (PSL) said that the purchase of four reconnaissance balloons is in question.

The Ministry of National Defense has codenamed the procurement of balloons, radars and other equipment “Barbara.” As the Arms Agency, responsible for military procurement, announced on Wednesday, the future contract will include logistics missiles, training models and technical documentation.

Poland had plans to purchase a reconnaissance balloon back in 2017 as part of the Barbara program, but the purchase request was submitted only in May 2023, after the scandal of the X-55 missile, which was not shot down by Polish air defense and flew hundreds of kilometers into the country, was made public.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that later in 2023, it became known that Poland was forming a balloon battalion to strengthen its air defense. At that time, they were talking about plans to form four posts with the first one to be deployed in July 2026, and the possibility of detecting targets with one balloon at a distance of hundreds of kilometers.

In addition to balloons, Poland also decided to purchase Saab 340 AEW long-range radar reconnaissance aircraft in 2023 to strengthen its intelligence capabilities, with the first aircraft due to arrive in the country soon, and a total of two used aircraft under a contract worth about $58 million.

Source inpoland defence-ua
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