The campaign ‘Be an example’ has started all over Poland and will continue until the end of the year. During it, the police will fine pedestrians.
This event aims to remind and explain to pedestrians, including the elderly, the need to use reflective elements on clothing and the rules of safe movement on the road and sidewalk. This will be done by police officers.
Pedestrians who move along the roadway outside populated areas are obliged to use reflective elements in their clothes, which are visible to other road users. In the absence of these elements, a possible fine will be 100 zlotys. Also, pedestrians who move along the side of the road or on the road must move to the left, i.e. towards oncoming traffic.
A pedestrian will be fined 300 zlotys if he uses a phone or other electronic device while crossing a road or track, including when crossing a pedestrian crossing. After all, it reduces concentration and reduces the ability to observe the situation on the road.
Pedestrians are fined 200 zlotys for crossing the road directly in front of a moving vehicle in places other than pedestrian crossings.