In America, girls tried to fill Tesla electric car with gasoline

Even children know what an electric car is. This is a car that has an electric motor designed to be powered by a battery. The name speaks for itself! Electric car means it runs on electricity. But not everyone knows this.

In the USA, there was a shocking incident that completely ‘buried’ one of the Tesla Model 3 cars. All because two American women came to a regular gas station to fill up their electric car with gasoline.

The surrounding men just laughed at the situation, and only one hero, who is the author of the video, decided to help women cope with the problem. The man explained that this is an electric car and that it is actually charged from an outlet. The girls doubted for a long time, and in the end they found a hole for the windshield washer under the hood, and they directed a hose with gasoline to it for refueling, which made them extremely happy.

It is not known how the unusual experiment ended, because the video is interrupted at this point. But there is a feeling that the car has become unsuitable for driving even for super short distances.

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