“Shahed” will be countered by Coyote barrage munitions

The day before, the Pentagon announced a new defense support package. It will amount to 1.2 billion USD. The main difference between the new package and all the previous ones is its secrecy. The US Department of Defense has included only six items of weapons.

One of the items is “ammunition to counter drones”. According to Defense Express journalists, it may be the American anti-drone system FS-LIDS manufactured by Raytheon Technologies. This system entered service with the US Army in 2018. At the end of last year, Qatar placed an order for the supply of the FS-LIDS system in a stationary version. It will cost 1 billion USD.

The FS-LIDS system is designed to create two air defense lines. The first one is the

The complex ordered by Qatar includes KuMRFS multifunctional radar, FAAD C2 control system, optoelectronics stations for detecting drones, CUAEWS electronic warfare systems, 200 units of Coyote Block 2 drones and launchers.

Coyote Block 2 belongs to the class of barrage munitions with a jet engine. It travels at subsonic speeds in space. The range of the drone can reach 15 km. By the way, if desired, Coyote can be used to strike ground targets as a “classic” barrage munition.

Source prostomob
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