Israel is rapidly putting into service the “Iron Beam” laser air defense system

Israel is accelerating the deployment of the Iron Beam laser air defense system amid intensified hostilities.

The Israeli Defense Forces will receive a 100 kW laser developed by Rafael for operational testing. The system is designed to intercept artillery shells, mortar shells and drones at a distance of several kilometers.

Laser air defense is much cheaper than the Iron Dome – one shot costs up to $1000, in contrast to the estimated cost of the Tamir missile – $40-50,000. During the Hamas attack, Israel faced a shortage of missiles for the Iron Dome.

In March 2022, the Israeli army conducted a series of successful tests of the Iron Beam, which successfully destroyed drones, mortar shells, and missiles. Initially, the system was planned to be put into service with the IDF in 2025, but the process was accelerated due to the Hamas attack.

Currently, the IDF and Rafael have only prototype laser stations, which are not enough to effectively cover Israeli territory. Because of this, laser air defense will be deployed only in the most vulnerable areas for attacks.

Source Defense Industry
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