Kyiv Cave Monastery switches to a new calendar

On November 15, the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, which officially became a monastery within the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in December 2022, switches to the New Julian calendar. This calendar is used as the main one in the OCU.

Archimandrite Abraham, acting abbot of the Kyiv Cave Monastery, announced this on a social network.

“At the numerous requests of the parishioners of the Kyiv Cave Monastery and with the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy, the Holy Archimandrite of the Holy Dormition Kyiv Cave Monastery, from November 15 (the beginning of the Christmas Lent), the monastery will switch to the use of the New Julian calendar, which is the main calendar for our Local Church,” he said in a statement.

As reported, in May 2023, the Synod of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) approved the transition to a new calendar. This decision was confirmed by the Local Council.

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