A new front opens in the Russian war – RDC fighters

In March, soldiers of the Russian Volunteer Corps entered the Belgorod region across the Russian-Ukrainian border for the third time.

Volunteers of the Russian Volunteer Corps (RVC) have announced new raids on Russian territory. Their main goal is to open a second front in Russia so that Putin can start moving troops from areas where Ukrainian soldiers are having a hard time.

The journalists asked the ideologist of the Cardinal Corps, the commander of the Mohyla armored group, and one of the Lucky fighters what to expect from the Russian volunteer forces.

According to them, Ukrainian soldiers will never enter Russia to open a second front.

But we can do it. And every year we will go further and further. If a year ago this was ridiculous for them (the Russian authorities – ed.), for us, and for the public in general, now they know that the RDC can enter any region that has a border with Ukraine. And we will definitely come,” the RDC fighters promised.

The soldier also said that the RDC’s tactics have already brought some results, and now there are 30 pieces of heavy equipment near Belgorod and about 4,000 Russian army personnel who were previously in Luhansk region.

The fighter emphasized that a second front in Russia could open anywhere.

“We will accumulate forces and arrange such a situation that Putin will be forced to open a second front: in Kaliningrad, Kursk region, Transnistria,” the volunteer said.

Source news.online
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