AI predicts what the world will look like in 100 years (photo)

Artificial intelligence predicted what the world will look like in 100 years and showed 17 photos showing how everyday things in our lives will change, BuzzFeed reports.

What the world will look like in 2123

Artificial intelligence predicts that McDonald’s will look like this in the future:

Mobile phones of the future will retain their modern look but will be completely transparent:

And the airplane cabin in the future will look like this:

The future men’s fashion will look something like this:

And this will be the women’s fashion of the future:

In the future, the refrigerators will be equipped with many additional compartments and will be able to hold all the food you need:

This is what a toilet would look like in an ordinary house:

This is the future of public transportation in large cities:

An ordinary sofa in an apartment will look like this:

Tables in restaurants will be like this:

This is what a Nintendo game console will look like in 100 years:

And future bikes will be like this:

Tablets and iPads will be equipped with 3D projection capabilities:

The future classroom for high school students will look like this:

Cars in 100 years will look very cool:

TVs will be partially transparent in the future:

And this is what New York City will look like in 2123, with the Empire State Building in the background and flight capsules overhead:

Source buzzfeed
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