As part of financial supervision in Ukraine, banks closely monitor how much money customers transfer from card to card and how much they receive. In case of exceeding the limit, the tax authorities may become interested in the client, as accountant Lesia Dnistrianska explains in detail in a video on TikTok.
In particular, bank clients may face problems with the tax authorities if they regularly receive certain amounts of money to their bank accounts from different people over several months.
Receiving more than UAH 50,000 in one transfer will also attract the attention of the tax authorities. And the last case is if you receive UAH 400,000 within one month.
According to lawyer Anna Zlatina, different banks have different limits on transfers. In other words, each financial institution has the right to set its own limit on card-to-card transfers.
According to the law, up to UAH 5,000 can be transferred without identification, and from UAH 400,000 and above, it is already subject to control.
However, the law contains a nuance that organized or suspicious transfers may be subject to financial monitoring even if the amount is less than UAH 400,000.
Since August of this year, when making transactions at self-service terminals, payers must enter their mobile phone number on the screen, have a one-time password issued to this number, enter the password on the screen and receive a receipt.
It should be noted that PrivatBank has set a limit of UAH 29,999 for transfers from cards of other banks, while the limit for transfers between clients is unlimited.
Monobank also does not limit payments from a mono card. Universal Service limits one-time transfers to UAH 25,000, regardless of the bank that issued the funds for the payment.