Bitcoin can reach 150 thousand. dollars by 2025, Bernstein predicts

In October, the value of the cryptocurrency bitcoin increased by 27%. According to Bloomberg, this is the highest yield since January.

According to the forecast of Bernstein analyst Gautam Chugani, the value of the main virtual currency will reach USD 150,000 by 2025. In his opinion, applications for launching a bitcoin ETF will be approved by the SEC by the first quarter of next year.

At the time of writing, 1 BTC on Binance was worth 34,465 USD. Thus, the Bernstein analyst’s estimate is five times higher than the current bitcoin price. At the same time, it is twice as high as the record high of USD 69,000 set in the fall of 2021.

Bernstein believes that after the approval of the ETF, about 10% of the BTC’s circulating supply will be transferred to the new instruments. Ordinary investors will be able to invest in bitcoin directly from their investment portfolios. Chugani said it is inevitable that the SEC will approve the applications of Fidelity, BlackRock and other major players.

Source CNBC
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