China is developing a “007 drone” that will be able to carry out dangerous military operations instead of special forces

The PLA has announced that it is preparing to implement a “007 drone” capable of hiding underwater, dodging bullets, conducting reconnaissance, and attacking targets, including manpower.

The People’s Liberation Army’s Unit 78092 is collaborating with a group of scientists to develop drones that can replace humans in complex overseas missions over the next 10 years. Details are provided by SCMP.

This UAV will be able to fly long distances, dive deep underwater and stay in ambush for a long time. On command, it will emerge from the water, attack targets, and then dive back underwater.

The Chinese military has revealed some details related to its plans to conduct special operations abroad. They also stated that it will help developers, engineers, and scientists working in the drone industry to better understand their needs and strategic goals. Thus, according to the plans, a hypothetical mission could be carried out in 2035, when a small conflict breaks out between China and a “neighboring country.” In order to avoid escalation of the conflict and not to spend budgetary funds to resolve it, both sides agree to limit the use of small arms, unmanned boats, UAVs and anti-aircraft guns.

Then, according to the scenario, the Chinese military is tasked with a quick and silent strike on key enemy targets in the deep rear. Their target – an important command and supply center for the opposing forces – is hidden along a river, about 40 km from the front line (journalists suggested that it could be the Yarlung Tsangpo (Brahmaputra) River, which flows from Tibet to India – ed.

For this operation, the Chinese military must use only drones that meet rather high requirements. This is where drones for special operations are first mentioned, which should be able to perform tasks both alone and as part of a swarm. According to the military, the devices should be able to swim underwater, avoiding detection when launching torpedoes at enemy patrol boats.

In order to remain undetected, the new type of UAVs must stay close to the riverbed, stay underwater for a long time, and easily overcome obstacles. As soon as the drones surface, they must immediately climb to a low altitude, performing quick maneuvers to avoid enemy fire. And when they reach the target, they will attack it with precise strikes and then shut down without further human intervention. The UAVs are also planned to be equipped with advanced intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems.

If the enemy troops try to escape, these drones should pursue and destroy them, ensuring a complete victory before returning to Chinese territory.

The PLA team stated that the development model for this new UAV was inspired by the US military’s approach. China has the world’s largest and most technologically advanced civilian drone manufacturing plants, but unlike the United States, most Chinese civilian drone suppliers do not cooperate with the military.

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