Citizens of the world: Russian Yandex has erased the borders between countries on its maps

Russia’s Yandex has erased the borders between the states in the next update of its map service. Country borders are not displayed in either the web version or the app.

You can see the borders only with a strong approach. The thin gray line is barely noticeable against the background of everything else.

Cosmopolitanism in Russian

The press service of Yandex reported that the service ‘Yandex.Maps’ decided to change priorities, focusing on natural sites, rather than borders.

Yandex Maps is a universal city service that helps you find organizations and places nearby, choose public transport and build road routes. These are the main scenarios for our users. In the near future, on a survey scale, where the service is not used in its main scenarios, the map will be physiographic. The emphasis will be on natural sites, not on state borders. Our task is to reflect the world around us. Therefore, mountains, rivers, polar circle lines and other data typical for this type of maps will appear on the map. Changes will appear gradually, – the company told to the edition ‘Code of Durov’.

Users of the network immediately suggested that the changes were ‘related to the situation in Ukraine.’ What exactly is meant by this is not clear, but they are probably hinting that the company is trying to please all parties, giving everyone different explanations.

  • для російської влади пояснення виглядатиме так, як сказано в коментарі, й при цьому не порушуватиме місцевих диктаторських законів.
  • а для всіх інших зображатимуть намагання протистояти режиму й не визнавати окупацію українських територій.

Щоправда, жодного сенсу це не має, оскільки в Україні заблоковані всі сервіси Яндекса.

Source 24tv
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