Czech RegioJet trains will run between Prague and Kyiv: current ticket prices
The Czech carrier RegioJet will launch a regular flight between Prague and Kyiv this Sunday, June 12. The train will stop in several Ukrainian cities. Read more about the current tariff for citizens of Ukraine.
Despite the war, many Ukrainians are returning from abroad to their homes, relatives, and friends. The Czech railway company RegioJet reacted to the significant increase in passenger traffic between Europe and Ukraine by launching the Prague-Kyiv train and vice versa.
The first night flight at a special rate from Prague to Kyiv will depart on June 12. RegioJet has set democratic ticket prices, which are valid only for holders of Ukrainian passports. The train will run daily and will consist of sleeping cars.
Train route: Prague – Pardubice – Cesky Tesin – Zabrze na Moravi – Olomouc – Ostrava (Svinov) – Ostrava – Bhumin – Kraków – Przemysl – Lviv – Ternopil – Khmelnytsky – Vinnytsia – Kyiv.
However, passengers traveling from the Czech Republic to Ukraine will have to change to a Ukrainian train in Przemyśl. The fact is that Ukraine has a different track width.
How much will a trip from Ukrainian cities to Prague cost?
- Lviv – Prague – from 9.5 euros (300 hryvnias)
- Ternopil – Prague – from 14.1 euros (450 hryvnias)
- Khmelnytskyi – Prague – from 17.4 euros (550 hryvnias)
- Vinnytsia – Prague – from 20.4 euros (650 hryvnias)
- Kyiv – Prague – from 26.5 euros (840 hryvnias)
It is noteworthy that the price is indicated only in Przemyśl. And the ticket from Przemyśl to Prague is free. By the way, until now, Ukrainians used mostly buses, for which they had to pay about 50 euros (about 1,500 hryvnias).
What is included in the ticket price
- light breakfast;
- warm dinner;
- Linens
- you can buy other products from the menu throughout the trip and use the services provided on the train: free Wi-Fi, free coffee, sockets, etc.
We believe that this cooperation with Ukrainian Railways will provide passengers with convenient scheduled flights, and thus help Ukrainians better communicate with family and friends, help them return home or get to work, – said RegioJet owner Radim Jančura.