Dam burst again in Orsk, Russia (video)

On April 6, in Orsk, Orenburg region of the Russian Federation, a second breach of the earthen dam on the Ural River occurred.

Water began to flow rapidly into the city.

This was reported by local Telegram channels.

The dam in Orsk burst in one more place – water rushed with renewed force into the village of Nickel

After another dam break in Orsk, the villages of Budivelnikov, Nickel, Lisotorhovy and Borisoglebskaya Street are under threat of flooding.

Local residents report that the dam has burst near Borysoglibska Street, and the flow from the Ural River is now pouring through the structure into the village of Nickel. Before that, the water was simply overflowing, but now the dam section is completely eroded.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations, according to local residents, is evacuating residents from Nickel.

Meanwhile, more than 4.4 thousand houses in Orsk were flooded.

Earlier, the mayor of Orenburg said that the water level in the Urals would rise and could reach a critical point at night.

In connection with the third dam break in the village of Nickel in Orsk, residents are being urgently evacuated as water quickly floods the village

What is the situation in Orsk after the dam break?

At least two people were killed as a result of the dam breach. Although rescuers are checking the data on the third possible victim of the water.

According to the reports, one of the Russians was climbing on the roof and fell. Another body was found in the yard of a house on Ordzhonikidze Street.

As of the morning of April 6, the water level in the Ural River has become critical and is 9.27 meters.

Source news.online
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