Diehl Defense shares successes of IRIS-T air defense system in Ukraine and announces increase in production of air defense systems

German defense company Diehl Defense is going to increase production of IRIS-T air defense systems.

What is known

The information was shared by Harald Buschek, the company’s program manager. According to him, the war in Ukraine has led to a significant increase in demand for anti-aircraft missile systems. Therefore, Diehl Defense intends to produce 3-4 SAM systems in 2024 and at least 8 systems in 2025. Diehl Defense has also tripled the production of missiles for IRIS-T. In 2024, the company wants to produce 400-500 missiles.

By the way, Germany has handed over two IRIS-T units to Ukraine and plans to send six more. The Ukrainian Armed Forces mainly use German SAMs to protect Kyiv from massive missile attacks. Since the IRIS-T was put on combat duty, 110 air targets have been destroyed with the help of the SAM. Most of them are Kalibr missiles. The efficiency of the complex reaches 100%.

Source reuters
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