Drivers in Ukraine may be fined for “wrong” windshield – details

Ukrainian drivers can tint the windows of their cars, but they must keep in mind certain restrictions. After all, they face fines for violating the rules. However, it is worth remembering that there are ways to avoid breaking the law when tinting windows.

As a reminder, traffic regulations prohibit the use of coatings that impair visibility and affect the transparency of glass. If a violation is detected, a fine of UAH 340 may be imposed. If the offense is committed repeatedly, the driver may be deprived of his or her license for six months or receive a 10-day administrative penalty.

However, there are still rules that allow windshield tinting if the light transmittance is at least 75% and 70% in other aspects. Mirror tinting is prohibited.

The light transmission coefficient must be determined by a special device. This means that if the police officer does not measure the light transmission properly, you have the right to appeal the fine.

Source uamotors
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