Energy of the future: Betavolt has created a battery that can last up to 50 years without recharging
Betavolt says it is the first in the world to realize the “miniaturization of nuclear energy” by placing the isotope Nickel-63 in a coin-sized module.
The next-generation BB100 battery, which is supposed to last 50 years without recharging, has already entered the pilot testing phase and will eventually be mass-produced for commercial applications, such as “eternal” phones or drones.
“Betavolt nuclear batteries can meet the needs of long-term power supply in many scenarios, such as aerospace, artificial intelligence equipment, medical equipment, microprocessors, advanced sensors, small drones, and micro-robots,” the company said in a press release.
According to Betavolt, its first nuclear battery with a 15x15x5 millimeter body can deliver 100 microwatts of power and 3V. The company plans to produce a 1W battery by 2025.
According to the company, the BB100’s multilayer construction will protect users from explosion or fire, and also allows it to operate at temperatures ranging from -60°C to 120°C.
“The nuclear power battery developed by Betavolt is absolutely safe, has no external radiation, and is suitable for use in medical devices such as pacemakers or artificial hearts in the human body,” the company said.
The battery is also called environmentally friendly because its components are converted into a stable copper isotope after decay, which is not radioactive and does not pose a threat to environmental pollution.