Female CEO sues Google for $1 million for gender bias in the US

The company has to pay another $150,000 to the woman for the “pain and suffering” she has caused.

The complaint filed by Ulku Rowe, Google Cloud’s director of development, is the first pay discrimination lawsuit against the company since the 2018 march, when hundreds of employees protested sexual harassment by some top managers.

Rowe claims that Google discriminated against her by hiring her at a lower level despite her high qualifications and paying her less than male directors who did similar work. She was also denied a promotion in favor of a less qualified person.

Rowe came to Google with 23 years of experience in financial services and technology and earned $750,000 a year at the company, while some of the ninth-level employees earned more than a million.

After the woman complained about discrimination, Google also allegedly “retaliated” and demoted her.

During the week-long trial, Google representatives expectedly argued that Roe had the same capabilities and performance criteria as men, but the jury, after 5 hours of deliberation, still ruled in favor of the victim. Google must pay Rowe more than $1 million in punitive damages and another $150,000 for pain and suffering.

Source bloomberglaw
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