Germany secretly handed over a large package of weapons to Ukraine

Germany secretly handed over a huge military aid package to Ukraine, including heavy armored vehicles.

Main theses:

  • Germany provided Ukraine with a large-scale military aid package, including 39 tanks and other heavy armored vehicles.
  • Ukraine also received air defense systems and HIMARS rocket artillery systems from Germany.
  • Most of Germany’s arms exports this year were intended for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
  • Arms deliveries are carried out to ensure Ukraine’s security and protection against possible Russian aggression.
  • German assistance includes engineering equipment for demining and systems to protect critical infrastructure from air attacks.

What is known about the secret aid package from Germany

To ensure that Ukraine can continue to defend itself against an attack that violates international law, Berlin sent Kyiv a huge military package for its army in late June and early July, almost secretly and almost unnoticed. Among other things, we are talking about 39 tanks.

In addition, last week, the Ukrainian Armed Forces received ten more Leopard 1A5 main battle tanks and twenty more Marder infantry fighting vehicles from Germany. This brings the number of Marders supplied by Germany to 120, and the number of converted Leopards to 50.

In addition to ammunition for Leopard 1 and Marder, Ukraine also received two additional Biber bridge-paving tanks, two additional Dachs engineering tanks, two evacuation tanks and four additional Wisent 1 demining tanks. In total, Germany is working to deliver up to 105 refurbished Leopard 1A5s. For its part, Ukraine hopes to create an assault brigade for offensive operations with Leopards and Marders.

Germany also delivered an additional IRIS-T SLM air defense system and another IRIS-T SLS air defense system to protect critical infrastructure and cities from insidious Russian air attacks.

Sensational names appeared on the list of delivered weapons: three HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems. The Bundeswehr does not have HIMARS in service, but has previously transferred four technically very similar multiple launch rocket systems to Ukraine.

In early May, after talks with his American counterpart Lloyd Austin, Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) announced that Germany would pay for the delivery of three HIMARS rocket artillery systems from the United States to Ukraine. The agreement has already been implemented.

Help from Germany

Earlier, the media reported that this year, two-thirds of German arms exports were destined for Ukraine, reaching a record level.

In June, it was reported that Ukraine had received HIMARS missile systems, air defense, tanks, and other weapons.

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