India is creating its own air defense system that will be able to shoot down missiles, drones, airplanes, helicopters and precision-guided munitions within a radius of 350 km

By the end of the decade, India plans to deploy a homegrown air defense system. It will have capabilities comparable to those offered by the Russian S-400 Triumph system, which is also in service with the Indian army.

The Indian system is still known as LR-SAM. The development is being carried out as part of Project Kusha. The new complex is scheduled to be deployed in 2028-2029. The launchers will be able to shoot down airborne threats within a radius of up to 350 kg.

The LR-SAM will be designed to engage various types of airborne targets. These include unmanned aerial vehicles, cruise missiles, helicopters, precision munitions, and aircraft, including stealth fighters.

The program to develop a new air defense system was approved in May 2022. The cost of five LR-SAM regimental kits will exceed $2.6 billion. The purchase was authorized by the Indian Ministry of Defense last month.

The LR-SAM will be able to use missile interceptors of various ranges. As we wrote above, the maximum range will be 350 km. In addition, the complex will have missiles with a range of 150 km and 250 km.

Source timesofindia
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