Israeli Merkava 4 tank survived an RPG attack: Trophy active defense system saved it (video)

The ground operation in the Gaza Strip continues. A video of an Israeli Merkava 4 tank protecting its crew from a Hamas militant’s grenade launcher attack has been posted online.

This was reported by The War Zone.

The published video is one of the most striking examples of the Trophy active defense system (ADS). The footage was reportedly shot in the Khan Younis area in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. The video was recorded from the perspective of a Hamas militant. He pointed a grenade launcher at the tank and fired a shot. However, the Trophy system worked and it is clear that the car continued to move on.

The publication notes that the equipment of the Trophy complex depends on the equipment on which it is installed. However, for the most part, the KAZ consists of a number of small radars and several launchers. Radars detect incoming threats. Then they transmit a signal to the launchers and start the charge. This is a charge towards the threat to neutralize it.

First of all, Trophy is designed to protect against ATGMs and other types of infantry anti-tank weapons. The manufacturer Rafael says that the system provides 360-degree protection around the circumference, as well as some coverage for threats at height. The complex does not provide a full protective dome.

The published video shows that KAZ Trophy is an important element of tank protection in combat operations in a densely populated urban environment, where there are many opportunities for infantry ambushes.

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