Lockheed Martin delivered the world’s most powerful HELSI 300 kW combat laser to the Pentagon

The United States Department of Defense has received the most powerful combat laser in the world. It was developed by Lockheed Martin and is called HELSI (High Energy Laser Scaling Initiative).

HELSI has a power of 300 kW, which will be enough not only to destroy drones, but also to intercept missiles. This is five times more compared to the HELIOS (High Energy Laser with Integrated Optical-dazzler and Surveillance) laser. It was also developed by Lockheed Martin. The laser is installed on the ship USS Preble.

In the coming months, the Pentagon will begin testing the system together with specialists from Lockheed Martin Advanced Product Solutions. This year, the manufacturer will hand over the HELSI-based IFPC-HEL demonstration unit to the military.

Laser weapons have a number of advantages compared to traditional ones. First, it will make it possible to reduce the cost of the shot. Second, using a laser reduces indirect damage from shooting and destroying the target. And it has a spectacular look and you can always draw comparisons with the ‘Death Star’ from Star Wars.

As we noted above, the USS Preble destroyer was the first to receive a laser installation. This is due to the fact that the US Navy is most interested in receiving weapons for which ammunition will not have to be stored on board the ship.

Source lockheedmartin
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