Mi-8 helicopter crashes in Russia (video)

Everyone on board died.

An Mi-8 helicopter belonging to the FSB crashed in the Chelyabinsk region.

This was reported by the Russian Telegram channels Baza and Shot.

The incident occurred today at 15:02 local time in the village of Prudny (Sosnovsky district). According to preliminary information, there were 3 people on board who died.

Russian journalists write that the plane was conducting a training flight, during which the pilots practiced a takeoff and landing maneuver. It is noted that the helicopter could have crashed due to engine failure, but this is only preliminary data.

It should be noted that this is not the first such event in Russia recently. For example, in May of this year, Mi-8 helicopters crashed in the Bryansk and Belgorod regions.

In addition, in July, a similar aircraft crashed in the Altai Republic as a result of accidental contact with power lines. There were 16 people on board, including 13 tourists (including 12 Russians and 1 Belarusian) and three crew members. The first footage from the scene and other details can be found in our story.

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