MiG-29 pilot shoots down two enemy Shahed drones in one flight (video)

A Ukrainian MiG-29 pilot shot down two Shahed attack drones in Ukrainian skies during a single combat mission.

This was reported by the press service of the West Air Command, publishing a conversation with the military.

Pavlo, a fighter pilot with the 204th Sevastopol Tactical Aviation Brigade, says that one of his combat missions is to work in the sky to repel Russian massive combined missile and air strikes.

“Shooting down small, low-speed attack drones is not as easy as it seems,” he notes. “You have to calculate everything carefully: the speed of the aircraft, your maneuvers in the sky. But we are well prepared, we have trained a lot and are still training to effectively fight attack drones.”

According to him, target acquisition and shooting down takes a matter of seconds, after which it is necessary to focus on the next flight mission.

After Pavlo destroyed one attack drone, he was tasked with destroying another target.

“Then I said to my plane again in my mind: “We have to do this with you, shoot down the other one,” laughs Pavlo. “And we did it. The night was sleepless but productive for me and ended in a peaceful morning for the Ukrainians who were targeted by these two enemy drones.”

On the same day, a Ukrainian Yellowtail pilot released footage of a combat mission to shoot down an air target in the Ukrainian night sky.

Speaking about combat missions, Pavlo emphasizes that the work of many people on the ground is needed to ensure results in the sky.

“Technicians and engineers constantly keep the aircraft ready for combat missions. We work in a 24×7 mode. The combat service of the radio engineering units helps to identify the target. The personnel of the air traffic control centers help to enter the target. This is a well-coordinated work of a large team. I’m glad to be here and help my country defeat the aggressor in this way,” says the pilot.

Recently, a video of a Ukrainian MiG-29 pilot performing a complex bombing maneuver from a dive at an extremely low altitude was released for the first time.

He was able to launch the bombs from such a low altitude due to the sharp rise and the peculiarity of the French AASM adjusted air bomb, which is equipped with a solid rocket booster.

Source Military
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