By a very strange coincidence, the information about the missile debris in Poland appeared after the night attack by Kalibrami on Mykolaiv, although in Poland they had already begun to say that it was a missile from a Polish MiG-29.
Near the Polish village of Zamosc, which is a suburb of Bydgoszcz, missile debris was found, which has already caused quite a stir in Poland itself, as it is likely to be a Russian cruise missile.
The discovery was officially reported by the country’s Ministry of Defense, noting that there is no threat to civilian life, and military engineers and police are working at the site.
W okolicach miejscowości Zamość ok. 15 km od Bydgoszczy znaleziono szczątki niezidentyfikowanego obiektu wojskowego. Sytuacja nie zagraża bezpieczeństwu mieszkańców. Miejsce znaleziska badają funkcjonariusze Policji, Żandarmerii Wojskowej oraz saperzy.
— Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej 🇵🇱 (@MON_GOV_PL) April 27, 2023
The missile crash site is located 250 kilometers from the border with the Kaliningrad region of Russia, 380 kilometers from Belarus, and 900 kilometers from the border between Russia and Belarus.
At the same time, the Polish news service RMF FM reported that it was an air-to-ground missile with markings in Russian, which immediately increased interest in the discovery. The time of the missile’s crash remains unknown, including the possibility that it could have happened several weeks ago.
Moreover, there is information that the wreckage was actually found on April 24, but it has only just become publicly known, although this is rather weakly correlated with the fact that the Polish military has only just begun work at the scene.

The description of the impact site varies from the fact that the missile is several meters long and sticks out of the ground to a huge hole like a bomb. However, RMF FM claims that according to their data, it was not a Russian missile, but rather a missile belonging to the Polish armed forces.
At the same time, coincidentally, the information about the discovery of the missile coincided with the nighttime attack by the Russians with cruise missiles on Mykolaiv. According to the Joint Coordination Press Center of the Southern Defense Forces, the attack took place around 01:20 on April 27 and was carried out from the Black Sea, with a total of four missiles fired.
At the same time, the demonstration by the Polish side of the missile wreckage may well answer the question of whether it was a Russian cruise missile or a technical malfunction of Polish weapons.