Monobank raises over ₴20 million for “Come Back Alive” in one day at the “For Lebigovich” skin

Pseudo-elections at Monobank resulted in the victory of a single candidate and the collection of ₴20 million for the Come Back Alive charity fund.

Initially, the humorous action “For Lebigovich” started after a live stream of streamer Mykhailo Lebiga watching and commenting on the debate between Yushchenko and Yanukovych. Viewers began suggesting that he himself run for president under the name Lebigovich. Then a wave of memes started, which it was a sin not to use to raise funds for the Armed Forces (Lebiga himself has already raised ₴8.3 million for the DIU).

The collection was announced jointly with the streamer by Monobank, which offered an exclusive skin for the map for a donation of 100 UAH (which was the vote for Lebigovich).

Today, Oleg Gorokhovsky, co-founder of Neobank, said that people have already sent more than ₴20 million to the bank.

The “For Lebigovich” campaign continued offline, with the “Come Back Alive” foundation organizing a kind of polling station in 7 cities of Ukraine on September 3, and a streamer in a video announcement calling for people to come with campaign posters and money.

Source itc

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