Ombudsman Raises Alarm Over Mass Violations of Citizens’ Rights During Mobilization

The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets, has revealed shocking facts about systematic violations of citizens’ rights during mobilization. From illegal detentions to torture – the actions of the TCC employees cause serious concern and require urgent state intervention.

Lawlessness and Violence in the Mobilization Process

Human Rights Commissioner Dmytro Lubinets has declared his readiness to present to the Verkhovna Rada mechanisms for resolving the critical situation regarding violations of citizens’ rights during mobilization.

According to the Ombudsman, human rights violations by employees of the Territorial Recruitment Centers (TCC) and service points have become systematic and widespread. Illegal detentions and manifestations of violence have turned into a kind of “viral trend” that requires immediate state intervention.

Among the documented violations, the Ombudsman notes:

  • Beating of citizens in public places, particularly in shopping centers and metro stations
  • Deliberate creation of emergency situations to stop cyclists and motorcyclists
  • Systematic deprivation of the right to legal protection
  • Concealment of information about the whereabouts of detained persons
  • Forced signing of documents under pressure
  • Cases of torture and fatalities in TCC facilities

Of particular concern is the fact that those guilty of these violations bear no responsibility. The situation is exacerbated by a systemic management crisis in the army, where Soviet management standards persist and human potential is used inappropriately.

It is important to note that at the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion, many Ukrainians voluntarily came forward to defend the country. However, due to numerous cases of humiliation and ineffective use of mobilized personnel’s skills, the number of volunteers has significantly decreased. Instead of addressing these problems, the authorities have resorted to forced mobilization methods reminiscent of Soviet NKVD practices.

Lubinets emphasizes that this situation requires urgent solutions at the state level to ensure the legality of the mobilization process. Despite MP Oleksiy Honcharenko’s proposal to summon the Ombudsman to discuss this problem, the initiative did not find sufficient support in parliament.

Mass violations of citizens’ rights during mobilization pose a serious threat to Ukrainian society and require immediate state intervention. The Ombudsman is ready to propose specific mechanisms to solve the problem, but without political will and systemic changes, the situation may only worsen.

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