People don’t even realize it: how dogs know exactly what a person is thinking

Dogs pick up signals that people don’t even know are being transmitted.

Sometimes dog owners have the impression that their pets know exactly what the owner is thinking and feeling at a given moment. Scientists believe that dogs can most likely pick up invisible signals that people do not even suspect are being transmitted. But how do dogs understand people well, and what signals can they pick up? This is reported by Science Focus.

Scientists believe that dogs understand people much better than people understand their pets, and even better than they understand themselves. Dogs spend a lot of time around people, watching us and learning the invisible connections between different human behaviors. It is believed that dogs can see the difference in the behavior of a person who is going to walk with them or is going to feed them.

Studies show that dogs can recognize stress and depression in humans, as well as fear and even the existence of diseases that the pet owner does not know about. Scientists believe that this is partly due to the dogs’ keen sense of smell, but they are also good at reading information from our faces.

Various studies have already shown that dogs are good at distinguishing happy faces from angry and unhappy ones. That’s why dogs can predict future human behavior. For example, if the owner looks at an object with admiration or disgust, the dogs also make a decision for themselves whether to approach the object or not.

Dogs recognize the voice of their owners and familiar people well and distinguish it from the voices of strangers. The same applies to smell – dogs know how their owner and their immediate human environment smell. Even if you give a dog an owner’s item, the animal will definitely distinguish it from others by its smell.

Recent studies have also shown that dogs can detect fear in humans by smell. They are able to figure out which item belongs to a person who was scared while watching a horror movie and which belongs to someone who was watching something less scary. The same goes for detecting stress in humans.

Dogs that spend a lot of time with people begin to understand what we think and feel. For example, scientists have found that dogs know when people do something on purpose, i.e., take a particular thing they need, or unintentionally, when, for example, people drop something. Based on this, the behavior of dogs will be different, because people also behave differently.

Scientists have also confirmed the fact that dogs know when people are not looking at them, and therefore they can do things they are not allowed to do. This is how dogs assume that a busy person will not punish them for a particular action.

Scientists believe that dogs can not only distinguish between our emotions, but can also predict certain human behavior depending on various factors. That is, pets carefully study their owners and mostly understand when to do an action and what the reaction will be. Dogs study our faces, our movements, and draw their own conclusions, and this information accumulates over time. Even if people think dogs can’t understand them, they actually do it even better than humans themselves, scientists believe.

The most interesting thing is that dogs can actually smell the disease in people. The behavior of pets changes, and they try to say that their owner is sick.

There is still a lot we don’t know about dogs, but research shows that they definitely know a lot about us.

Source sciencefocus
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