Protection from mobilization: Diia prepares eBronzing – details from the media
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is preparing to consider a resolution on the so-called eBronching, which will determine the digitalization of the process of booking employees
This was reported by the IT news portal AIN, which received the full text of the document with the Cabinet’s proposals from a source involved in the discussion of the project.
The resolution has a working title “On the Implementation of a Pilot Project on the Registration of Reservations for Persons Liable for Military Service on the List of Persons Liable for Military Service during Martial Law in Electronic Form”. As noted, the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the Ministry of Community Development, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance, the National Bank and others have joined its development.
“According to the draft resolution, the extract confirming the employee’s booking will be generated electronically in the Diia app. A QR code will also be generated (by analogy with other QR codes in the application). The extract will be valid only if the code is present,” AIN notes.
The head of the enterprise (institution or organization) will submit a list of employees for booking in electronic form through Portal.Diia. The list is compiled in an arbitrary form suitable for perceiving the content. The head of the company is responsible for the list, relevance and accuracy of the information.
At the same time, as noted in the message, “according to the text of the draft resolution, it can be concluded that sole proprietors are not subject to reservation under the proposed procedure, since it is a question of the candidate for reservation being in an employment relationship with the enterprise.”
Business managers will be notified of the refusal to book an employee through the Diya.ua portal.
You may be denied a reservation in the following cases:
- the employee’s data does not match the data in the State Register of Persons Liable for Military Service;
- the employee’s data is not in the State Register of Persons Liable for Military Service;
- lack of data on the employment relationship between the employee and the enterprise (institution, organization) in the State Register of Persons Liable for Military Service.
According to the document, submissions of the list of employees for reservation from mobilization are blocked under the following conditions:
- Exceeding the number of persons liable for military service allowed for reservation at an enterprise, institution or organization;
- Failure of the company to reconcile, in accordance with the established procedure, the current and previous years’ data on employee lists with the records of the TCCs in which they are registered for military service;
- if there is information about unclosed administrative proceedings against individual persons liable for military service for violation of the rules of military registration or legislation on defense, mobilization preparation and mobilization.