Raytheon UK unveils laser system to repel drone swarms

Raytheon UK brought a laser system designed to repel drone attacks to DSEI-2023. Global Defense Technology was the first to report this news.

The power of the system mounted on the roof of the British armored vehicle Wolfhound is 15 kW. Raytheon UK claims that it is capable of hitting a swarm of three drones. The strengths of the laser system include zero logistical burden and an unlimited reloadable magazine. As you know, one of the main problems that arise when repelling drone attacks is the high cost of ammunition. The price of an anti-aircraft missile can exceed the price of a drone by several dozen times. Raytheon UK engineers managed to solve this problem.

Company representative Jeff Newsome noted that intercepting a drone using a laser system costs no more than a cup of coffee. The war in Ukraine has shown that drones play a leading role in modern warfare. The laser anti-drone system outperforms all UAV countermeasures on the market in terms of cost-effectiveness.

The developers of the anti-drone system decided to use the British armored vehicle Wolfhound as a chassis. In their opinion, it perfectly complements the laser weapons they have created.

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