French scientist Marcel Gauthier conducted a study that showed the risks of excessive “workaholism.” Too much hard work and studying can provoke an accelerated reduction in telomere length, which leads to early cell aging.
In a published by The Lancet, Gauthier spoke about the study conducted with his colleagues. They studied the physiological parameters of 250 medical internship graduates.
In particular, the lengths of the telomeres were measured before and after the training. Experts have concluded that DNA aging is about six times faster in young professionals with intense workloads.
Gauthier believes that similar changes occur in everyone who experiences prolonged stress over several weeks or even months. The military or employees of startup companies often experience similar excessive workloads.
There are also dangers in the case of a serious restructuring in the body of women during pregnancy and the first months after childbirth, associated with high levels of stress. Gauthier recommends harmoniously combining work and leisure, exercising, and using meditation practices.
In another study, researchers also found a link between high anxiety and early death. Hypochondriacs suffer from diseases much more often than people with a healthy nervous system and psyche.