Researchers teach AI to convincingly imitate human handwriting

Researchers from the University of Artificial Intelligence have announced that they have developed a technology that can imitate handwriting based on several paragraphs of written material.

This was reported by Bloomberg

It is noted that the team that developed the new product received a patent for the artificial intelligence system. However, they recognize that this technology can both be beneficial and “open the door to mass counterfeiting and misuse.”

“We will have to raise public awareness and develop tools to combat counterfeiting,” said Hisham Cholakkal, one of the researchers at Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence in Abu Dhabi. “It’s like developing an antivirus for a virus.”

The researchers have not yet made the feature public and, despite concerns, said they plan to “apply their research to real-world applications within a few months, and they are looking for commercial collaborators.”

“The potential of this development is enormous, from deciphering doctors’ handwriting to creating personalized ads,” said Rao Muhammad Anwer, another of the researchers.

Researchers believe that this technology can also be used to create large amounts of synthetic data to improve the way other AI models process handwritten text.

“However, there is still work to be done. The researchers’ transforming model, trained on publicly available handwritten texts, can learn and write in English and, with some success, French. But the team said they are still trying to crack handwritten text in Arabic,” Bloomberg notes.

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