Russia has created a giant defense line of 2,000 railroad cars for 30 km (photo)

The Russians built a 30-kilometer defense line of more than two thousand railroad cars.

This was reported by the DeepState analytical community.

The continuous structure stretches along a branch line from the railway station in Olenivka to Volnovakha and includes about 2,100 cars of various types.

It is reported that the construction of this massive defense line began in July 2023. It was apparently built using rolling stock stolen from the temporarily occupied territories.

Such a defense structure, which is actually a solid wall, is a very serious obstacle on the way of advancing troops.

SAR image of a section of the Russian defense line. Source: Sentinel hub.

Given that some sections of the railroad track are built with a high subgrade (an embankment that distributes the load on the ground), this line of defense is a full-fledged defensive rampart.

It can be overcome only after large-scale engineering work: uncoupling the cars, removing them from the tracks or moving them to another location. However, these engineering works will be accompanied by countermeasures from Russian weapons.

Along with the problems for Ukrainian troops, this line of defense creates problems for Russian troops: logistics for forward positions may be hampered by the barrier, and it also creates an obstacle to maneuver.

“This is a very specific engineering structure, the effectiveness of which is difficult to assess. The idea is clear – an obstacle to the advance of the Defense Forces. It can be considered as a separate line of defense, because it is extremely difficult to damage, move or blow up a 30-kilometer-long mass of metal, and it is impossible to move equipment through such an obstacle without breaking through the corridor,” the DeepState team writes.

A section of a 70-kilometer-long trench in Zaporizhzhia. Source: Center for Investigative Journalism.

This is not the first time that Russians have built huge engineering barriers as part of a full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war.

In April 2023, it became known that the Russians had built a continuous 70-kilometer-long anti-tank ditch in Zaporizhzhia, stretching from the village of Semenivka to the village of Marynivka.

Source Military
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