Russia produces artillery shells three times faster and four times cheaper than the US and EU – Sky News

Russia produces artillery shells three times faster and four times cheaper than Ukraine’s allies, the United States and Europe. This was reported by Bain & Company, a consulting firm, citing an analysis by Sky News.

The problem of ammunition supply

“The figures, released by the consulting firm Bain & Company, underscore the serious problem facing the Ukrainian armed forces as they rely on ammunition supplies from the United States and Europe to fight a full-scale Russian invasion,” the article says. The artillery production capabilities of the United States, Britain and Europe have not yet caught up with Russia, despite the overall economic power of Ukraine’s allies, which “far exceeds” Moscow.

Production statistics

According to a study by Bain & Company, in 2024 Russia will produce about 4.5 million artillery shells, while the total production of the United States and Europe will be only 1.3 million. The cost of producing Russian shells is about $1 thousand per unit, while similar products from Europe or the United States cost about $4 thousand per unit.

Reaction of the Ukrainian military

The Ukrainian military say that for every one shell they fire, the occupiers fire five. “Often we can completely destroy a target with one, two, or three shells. We must continue to deter the Russians… And make sure that every meter of land they try to seize costs them hundreds of lives,” said the commander of the artillery battery of the 57th Brigade, Senior Lieutenant Kostyantyn.


Sky News notes that the rate of artillery shell production for Ukraine is “one of the few disadvantages” the country faces during the war with Russia. This emphasizes the importance of increasing the production capacity of Ukraine’s allies to ensure a steady supply of ammunition.

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