Recently, the eighth time in history that an asteroid was detected in a short period of time – only 95 minutes before its approach – was recorded, and it happened in the sky over Germany. After its explosion in the atmosphere, an active search campaign began for the remnants that could have survived reentry and reached the Earth’s surface. The researchers now report the successful detection of such debris.
Scientists from the Berlin Museum of Natural History and their colleagues have discovered fragments of asteroid 2024 BX1, about the size of a walnut, and are preparing to analyze them to confirm their cosmic origin. Asteroid 2024 BX1 became the eighth known object in history with a one hundred percent probability of collision with the Earth.
The asteroid was first spotted a few hours before the impact. Krisztian Szarnecki, working at the Piskesteto Mountain Observatory in Budapest, Hungary, was able to identify it and send data to the Minor Planet Center, an international system that tracks the movement of small bodies in the solar system.

This system has its drawbacks, but it plays an important role in detecting potentially dangerous asteroids, as demonstrated by the example of asteroid 2024 BX1. Scout, an automated tracking system, helped determine that the asteroid would soon collide with the Earth.
The black fragment found on the brown soil is several centimeters in diameter, as confirmed by a nearby ruler.
The bright fireball from the asteroid was visible even in the Czech Republic. The wreckage was supposed to fall west of Berlin, in Haveland, where these small fragments were found.

The size of the asteroid 2024 BX1 was approximately 1 meter, which did not pose any serious threats. Its decay during atmospheric penetration was expected, but collecting the residue is important. These fragments, assembled quickly enough, retain their original characteristics, having been hardly affected by the Earth, making them almost untouched samples of space objects.
The study of cosmic bodies and the collection of samples play a key role in answering deep questions about the origin of the solar system. Asteroid forecasting systems are critical to Earth’s security, as they allow for the timely identification of potential threats and prevention of possible consequences. While our planetary defense systems are not perfect, they have made significant progress in recent years in protecting humanity from potentially hazardous near-Earth objects.
This case of asteroid 2024 BX1 emphasizes the importance of modern methods of astronomical research and space observation, which not only expand our understanding of the universe but also contribute to the safety of life on our planet.