Scientists discover the main source of gold in space

Scientists have confirmed that gold and other heavy metals are formed during neutron star collisions. Space journalists told more about this.

The study analyzed a long-term gamma-ray burst. Scientists have found that this explosion was caused by the collision of two neutron stars. The discovery allowed them to confirm for the first time that elements heavier than iron, including gold, are formed in this way.

Gamma-ray bursts, the most powerful explosions in the Universe, were previously associated with neutron star mergers. They are divided into short ones that last less than 2 seconds and long ones that last more than 2 seconds. The study showed that long gamma-ray bursts can also occur as a result of neutron star mergers.

One of these explosions was GRB 23 0307A, which lasted 200 seconds. It arose as a result of a keel explosion caused by a neutron star collision. This discovery raised doubts about existing theories about the origin of heavy elements.

Heavy elements, such as gold, are formed under the special conditions that arise during keelboat explosions. These explosions are the result of the merger of two dead stars.

As a reminder, astronomers have discovered the largest gas structure known in the Milky Way – a wavy anomaly consisting of interacting regions of star formation called the Radcliffe Wave. It is located at a distance of 500 light-years from the Earth, and its length is 9000 light-years. It turned out that this structure was not static but in motion.

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