Starlink outages again, Ukrainian military lose connection in the midst of fighting in Kharkiv region

At the beginning of the Russian army’s offensive in the Kharkiv sector, Starlink terminals stopped working, which became a serious problem for the Ukrainian military. The Washington Post reports this with reference to a fighter of the 125th terrorist defense brigade, who noted that reconnaissance drones, which were used daily to monitor the occupiers’ forces, stopped functioning at one point.

It is noted that on 10.05.2024, all video data was lost due to electronic interference created by the aggressors. Journalists emphasize that this is the first case of a complete shutdown of Starlink since the beginning of the full-scale conflict.

The commander of the unmanned unit with the call sign “Artist” complained that the fighters entrusted to him were immediately “blind” and lost the ability to see the enemy’s movements. As a result, the defenders had to switch to phones and radios.

Earlier, the media reported that Starliners were turned off at the time of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ attack on Crimea on Elon Musk’s personal order. In the winter months, the Network was filled with news about the massive use of Starlink by the occupiers in the occupied territories. Shortly afterward, the leadership of the Ministry of Digital Transformation announced that they were looking for a way to counteract the Russians.

Source prostomob
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