Telegram offers free premium access in exchange for consent to share phone number
Telegram is offering a new way to get a premium subscription for free, but it might not be the best idea, especially for a service based on privacy.
Telegram now provides a new Peer-to-Peer Login (P2PL) program. Currently, it is available only on Android and certain territories. The user agrees to allow Telegram to use his/her phone number to send up to 150 text messages with one-time passwords to other users. When using the number to send the minimum number of passwords per month, the user receives a gift code for a monthly premium subscription.
However, the program has some privacy issues. Every time a user sends a one-time password, the recipient sees it. And in case of any negative consequences, Telegram clearly states that it is the user’s personal responsibility:
“You understand and agree that Telegram is not responsible for any inconvenience, harassment, or damages caused by users who have learned your phone number through P2PL.”
The recipient of the one-time password can easily reply to it with a text message. P2PL participants are advised not to send text messages to recipients of one-time passwords, even if they have received the first messages. Telegram cannot prohibit people from replying to texts with one-time passwords and cannot control their effect on the recipient.