The Delta system will be implemented in the Defense Forces of Ukraine
The Ukrainian government has decided to implement the Delta system in the Defense Forces. This is reported by the Ministry of Defense.
The relevant resolution was adopted today, February 4, at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the proposal of the head of the defense department, Oleksiy Reznikov.
In addition to the use of the platform by the military, the Cabinet of Ministers allowed Delta to be placed in the cloud outside of Ukraine. This will protect the system from enemy missile and cyber attacks.
The Ministry of Defense emphasized that the department’s innovation center will constantly improve the Delta platform and add new functionality that gives the Ukrainian military a significant advantage over the enemy.
Delta structures all information about the enemy in the theater of war. Provides a comprehensive understanding of the battlefield in real time, integrates information about the enemy from various sensors and sources, including intelligence on a digital map. Own/allied forces data can also be layered. Each user in the system has their own limited level of access and a certain layer of data that they can see; the full picture is seen only at the top level. The operational-tactical ACS was created at the Center for Innovations and Development of Defense Technologies of the Ministry of Defense according to NATO standards, and the Air Intelligence military unit is located near the sources. During the great war, there were already more than 40 releases/upgrades of the system.
In December, the deputy head of the State Department, Victoria Nuland, showed ‘Delta’: she evaluated the software and said that after the victory in the war, Ukrainian IT specialists and developers will be able to train NATO servicemen.