The first ‘environmental gasoline’ is already sold at 2,800 euros per liter

Carbon-neutral fuel has already been invented and will even be produced. But now its price is too high.

The European Union requires that carbon-neutral fuels be developed to power vehicles with internal combustion engines. And there are already several companies, including Porsche, working on it.

The first to achieve this, or at least to market the first carbon-neutral synthetic fuel that fits the so-called neutrality standards, was Zero Petroleum. The company is headed by Paddy Lowe, an African engineer who was involved in the technical management of McLaren and Williams in Formula 1.

Zero Petroleum has been developing carbon neutral fuel for some time. And now they have announced that they finally have the first carbon-neutral synthetic fuel that can be used in diesel and gasoline engines and, even more importantly, without any modifications to the car’s mechanics.

And as they explain on their website, they sequester carbon from the atmosphere while producing this synthetic fuel. When this synthetic fuel is burned, CO2 is released back into the atmosphere, but the key point is that this gas release is less than the amount trapped during the product’s production. Therefore, the balance is neutral,

But not all that glitters is gold, and a project that is ‘so green’ in its development has its downsides. The biggest problem in this case is the price, because today it costs at least 2,800 euros/liter.

Paddy Law himself at the end of 2021, in cooperation with the British Army, has already conducted flight tests using this innovative synthetic fuel. Today, this fuel is already in his store, but it is sold in 20-liter canisters, each of which costs 56,000 euros.

But the fact is that now the commercialization of this fuel is not aimed at ‘ordinary consumers’. The idea isn’t to sell it so you can put that kind of fuel in your car, it’s just a way to get a collectible. And also support the company in its development, of course.

In fact, on their website they explain that their goal is mass production from 2027 and that this synthetic fuel is available to everyone. And at that time, they have a target price of $3.50 per liter or even less. So it will cost us about the same as gasoline or diesel at the time.

Source testcoches
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