The Kremlin is actually disarming the Wagnerites and talking about closing the criminal case

According to Prigozhin, the Wagner PMC is actually two divisions with heavy weapons, the presence of which is a real guarantee of their security.

The so-called Russian Ministry of Defense announced that it has begun preparations to transfer heavy weapons from the Wagner PMC to regular army units. Given that it was the Russian Ministry of Defense that actively equipped the mercenaries with all kinds of weapons, not only tanks, artillery, but also anti-aircraft missile systems and even aircraft, we are talking about the actual disarmament of the detachment.

In parallel with this process, the FSB reported that it had closed the criminal case on the fact of armed rebellion. The official reason for the termination of the investigation is that the rebels “stopped the actions aimed at committing the crime” on their own.

“Taking into account this and other circumstances relevant to the investigation, on June 27, a decision was made to terminate the criminal case,” reads the official statement of the Russian criminal authority, which sends people to jail for posting on social media.

The situation is made more piquant by the fact that during the rebellion, Wagner actually seized Rostov-on-Don, some military airfields and other military facilities. During the fighting, they shot down, according to various sources, four helicopters and one airplane, destroyed several pieces of ground equipment, and killed more than 10 Russian soldiers.

It is possible to assume that in a situation where the forces of the Wagnerites, and according to Prigozhin, we are talking about 25 thousand people, which is equal to two divisions, have the appropriate set of military equipment, the Kremlin has no other option. Because to fight such forces, it would be necessary to pull huge forces away from the front.

However, it seems that the situation may change dramatically once the mercenaries are left without heavy weapons.

Source defence-ua
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