The largest traffic in recent years is recorded on the border of Russia and the DPRK: most likely, weapons are in the cars

Satellite images show an increase in traffic on the border between Russia and North Korea. This comes a day after rumors emerged about the start of the transfer of North Korean artillery to Russia.

It is noted that approximately 73 freight cars were spotted at the Tumanggang station in Rason, on the border of the DPRK and Russia. Such a number has not been seen there in the last five years, and even before the pandemic, traffic on this section was lower.

“Given that Kim Jong-un and Putin discussed some military exchanges and cooperation at their recent summit, the sharp increase in rail traffic is likely indicative of North Korea’s supply of weapons and ammunition to Russia,” the project’s report says.

However, it is impossible to find out what exactly is being transported in the railcars from satellite photos, as the containers are mostly covered with tarpaulin.

Beyond Parallel is a project of the American Center for Strategic and International Studies in South Korea.

Earlier, White House spokesman John Kirby said that talks between Russia and the DPRK on military cooperation are “actively progressing.” In July, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited the DPRK and met, among others, with his North Korean counterpart.

In early August, the White House accused Russia of trying to buy munitions from the DPRK.

Source Beyond Parallel
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