The most expensive Russian T-90M ‘Breakthrough’ tank was destroyed near the Ukrainian Bakhmut (video)

For the army of the Russian Federation, the tank is a modern machine in the T-90 family and the most adapted to actions in the conditions of modern combat.

At Bakhmut, the Russian command sent its most modern T-90M ‘Breakthrough’ tanks into battle. Ukrainian journalist Yurii Butusov reported that one of these tanks was neutralized. The T-90M ‘Breakthrough’ tank was neutralized by fighters of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade ‘Kholodny Yar’.

The released video shows smoke in the area of ​​the tower. It is not yet known what weapon was used to stop the tank. Judging by the open hatches on the tower, the Russian crew left the combat vehicle.

Currently, the defense forces of Ukraine are holding a blow in Bakhmut and are not allowing the enemy to pass further. This was reported by the representative of the Eastern Group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Serhiy Cherevaty. He also said that there are still citizens in Bakhmut itself, including the elderly, who for personal reasons are not ready to evacuate to safer regions.

The T-90M tank was developed by the Ural Design Bureau of Transport Engineering.

For Russia, it is a modern machine in the T-90 family and the most adapted to actions in the conditions of modern combat, including due to the presence of all-round protection, a new system of automatic fire control and the implementation of measures to increase survivability.

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