According to the US Department of Energy, Russia supplies almost a quarter of the enriched uranium used to fuel more than 90 commercial reactors.
U.S. senators vote to pass a law banning imports of enriched uranium from Russia. This was reported by Bloomberg
The relevant provisions of the legislation, approved unanimously, prohibit imports to the United States 90 days after its entry into force. The decision allows for temporary exceptions until January 2028. The American president must sign the bill before it becomes law.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, Russia supplies almost a quarter of the enriched uranium used to fuel more than 90 commercial reactors, making it the number one foreign supplier. These sales bring Moscow approximately $1 billion a year, but replacing the supply can be challenging and could lead to an increase in the cost of enriched uranium by about 20%.
The White House has called for a “long-term ban” on Russian imports, which is necessary to properly unlock about $2.7 billion in uranium industry support appropriated by Congress earlier this year. This will happen if restrictions are imposed on imports of Russian uranium.
The House bill was approved by a vote in December amid growing congressional support for stopping Russia in Ukraine. The United States banned Russian oil imports and worked with its G7 allies to set a price cap on maritime exports of oil and oil products.