Ukraine liquidated more than 80 Russian officers in two weeks
Losses include fighter pilots, who are the elite of any army. The training of one specialist can take 15-17 years and cost 12-14 million dollars. By the end of July, the Russian Air Force had lost at least 50 fighter pilots.
The Russian Air Force Service maintains a list of officially recognized Russian military casualties. It shows that the number of officers killed has increased significantly in the past two weeks.
As of July 22, journalists managed to collect information about 4,940 dead soldiers and officers of the Russian armed forces*. They emphasize that this information does not reflect the true scale of losses, but the information is confirmed by mass media.
Of the 4,940 killed, 852 were officers. Of these, more than 80 officers were killed in the last two weeks, ten of whom held the rank of colonel. Over the past three months, the share of officers among all the dead soldiers has decreased. If in March and April every fifth person was an officer, then in June and July – only 17%. Currently, there is again a trend of increasing losses among those with the rank of officer.