Ukraine plans to create a military police

The military police will be part of the Defense Ministry system and will monitor discipline among the military of the Armed Forces, the Defense Ministry, and the State Service of Ukraine for Civilian Personnel.

The working group, which operates on the basis of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Law Enforcement, will create an optimal model of the future military justice, of which the military police will become a part. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Defense on Telegram.

It was emphasized that the Main Department of Military Justice of the Ministry of Defense is involved in the development of a draft law on military police.

“The military police is to become a military formation with law enforcement functions and will be part of the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine,” the statement said.

It was noted that the body would be formed on the basis of the Military Law Enforcement Service of the Armed Forces. It will have certain powers related to operational and investigative activities and pre-trial investigation of war crimes in combat zones.

The purpose of the military police will be to maintain discipline among the military personnel of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Defense, and the State Special Transport Service (SSTS). The main tasks of the body:

  • law enforcement activities to prevent, detect, and suppress war crimes in accordance with the provisions of the CPCU and
  • military regulations;
  • operational and investigative activities;
  • special prevention in the Armed Forces, SBSU
  • ensuring law and order and military discipline in the Armed Forces and the State Security Service;
  • protecting the rights of military personnel;
  • protection of state property;
  • execution of sentences.

In addition, it is planned to achieve compatibility of the Military Police with the relevant structures of NATO member states, the Defense Ministry said. The relevant draft law is currently undergoing the approval procedure.

On August 14, the State Bureau of Investigation announced the launch of a pre-trial investigation into the allegations that a navy captain had beaten a subordinate in a military unit in Odesa region.

On July 7, it became known that the SBI had served a notice of suspicion to an Armed Forces officer who had beaten a subordinate in Lviv region. The incident occurred on June 24. The officer faces up to 12 years in prison.

Source Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

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