Ukraine’s approach to mobilization must change this week – The Guardian

The Ukrainian government is planning to change the practice of conscription, and the changes will be announced this week.

This was reported by The Guardian.

According to the newspaper, citing a “high-ranking official,” the changes will include the use of commercial recruiting companies to conduct more targeted recruitment. Conscripts will be able to choose the areas of service that match their skills.

NSDC Secretary Oleksiy Danilov told the publication that the army will cooperate with Ukraine’s two largest recruitment companies to identify people with specific skills and to discourage qualified Ukrainians who want to help the army but do not want to go to the front from trying to evade the draft.

“Mobilization will become more flexible, the specialties that are needed will be announced, and people will volunteer for a specific position. For example, they need welders or mechanics and so on,” he said.

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