Ukrainian aircraft have begun using GBU-39/B SDB bombs, which can withstand the effects of Russian electronic warfare

The Ukrainian Air Force is now equipped with American GBU-39/B SDB bombs. The news was first reported by The Washington Post, and later photos of these munitions on Ukrainian aircraft appeared online.

Details of use

According to Reuters, the accuracy of American weapons used by the Ukrainian Defense Forces has decreased due to the active use of Russian electronic warfare. At the same time, according to The Washington Post, GBU-39/B SDB bombs proved to be very effective and resistant to jamming, succeeding in 90% of cases. It is noteworthy that there was no official announcement of GBU-39/B SDB deliveries.

Technical characteristics of GBU-39/B SDB

The GBU-39/B SDB bombs are carried by Soviet MiG-29 fighters equipped with the standard BRU-61 beam holder. This holder allows the aircraft to carry up to eight small-diameter bombs, which is half the number of bombs compared to the American A-10 Thunderbolt II.

GBU-39 guided aerial bomb of the SDB family. Illustration by Metrea Simulations

The GBU-39/B SDB (Small Diameter Bomb) is a precision-guided munition designed to minimize collateral damage. It is 1.8 meters long, 19 cm wide, and weighs 122 kg. The bomb has a sophisticated wing design that allows it to have a range of up to 110 km, although it is not clear whether Soviet fighters can reach this range.

Additional information about GBU-39/B SDB

The GBU-39/B SDB uses an inertial navigation system (INS) in combination with GPS navigation to achieve high accuracy. As a result, the bomb can engage small and point targets with minimal errors. In addition, its small size reduces the likelihood of detection by enemy air defenses, making it particularly valuable in modern conflicts. The use of GBU-39/B SDB bombs by the Ukrainian Air Force demonstrates the important role of high-tech weapons in modern military conflicts. Resistance to electronic warfare and high accuracy make these munitions an important element in Ukraine’s arsenal.

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