Ukrainian discovered a new nebula and named it in honor of fallen Ukrainian soldiers (photo)

Ukrainian Vlad Sazhen has discovered a new nebula in the constellation Cepheus and named it “Fallen Soldier” in honor of the memory of fallen Ukrainian soldiers, the discoverer himself reported on AstroBin.

In the course of his long research, he found out that this nebula is illuminated by a double star BD+69 1319. It also has two documented names – DOBASHI 3564 and TGU H757. You can find the nebula by its coordinates: RA 23 15 38, DEC +69 50 58.

The structure of the nebula is most visible in the blue channel.

It is also possible that the star BD+69 1319 illuminates a small part of the nebula. However, this is only an assumption for now, and this effect may be a halo created by the star itself.

“The discovery of the Fallen Soldier nebula is dedicated to all the soldiers who died defending Ukraine, my homeland, from the Russian army. Please continue to support Ukraine”

Vlad Sazhen, Ukrainian student
The area where the Fallen Soldier nebula is located is saturated with other reflective nebulae. The closest known of them is the Wolf Cave nebula complex.

In addition, the Cepheus constellation has many potential objects for new research, so the author encourages colleagues to look for new nebulae.

Source astrobin
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