Ukrainian military rescue a giant hare from mines (photo)
Ukrainian soldiers have made it a habit to find and help animals in the war zone created by Russia. The last such “discovery” involving a huge hare went viral.
A huge hare was spotted and picked up by Ukrainian soldiers clearing mines in the Kherson region, sparking a discussion about the army having “animal care specialists.” This was reported by the Daily Star.
Since Russia first invaded Ukraine in February 2022, stories of Ukrainian soldiers finding and caring for animals found in the war zone, from cats and dogs to rabbits and others, have flooded the media.
A photo of a soldier on a field he was clearing of mines with his fellow soldiers in the Kherson region went viral. It depicts a man holding the largest hare you’ve likely ever seen.

The bunny looks like a mini-kangaroo and in less than 24 hours gained almost 682 thousand views on Twitter.
Then the topic was picked up by people on the popular Reddit forum. They called the Ukrainian military an army full of animal rights activists.
“All the photos of Ukrainian soldiers with all kinds of animals in Ukraine are evidence of their love for animals, and, apparently, love in return from animals,” wrote one forum user.
Some people claimed that the hare was an “ancient hare god” because of its extremely gigantic size. Others claimed that it was a “Chernobyl hare,” but Chernobyl is located about 713 kilometers from Kherson, so this is just a crazy guess.